Gotta have faith?
A blogger recently asked me about the role of faith in my novels. It’s an interesting question, and one I wanted to give some attention to here. Read on to find out more…
A blogger recently asked me about the role of faith in my novels. It’s an interesting question, and one I wanted to give some attention to here. Read on to find out more…
It’s been 12 years since God’s Hammer was first published, and today, under the stewardship of my publisher Creativia, God’s Hammer has finally reached the #1 spot (or bestseller status) on in Historical Fiction.
I’m excited to let you know that Raven’s Feast, the sequel to God’s Hammer and the second book in Hakon’s Saga, has launched and is now available in print and ebook formats.
Today we’ve finalized the cover for book two of Hakon’s saga. The book is called Raven’s Feast and the cover art is done!
To be quite candid, God’s Hammer has had a rather strange life that exemplifies both the changing face of publishing and the challenges facing authors today. Read more about its strange life in this post.
That is the central question that Hakon Haraldsson must answer in GOD’S HAMMER. It is not an atypical question for the Dark Ages. There are countless stories of warlords and kings dying in their pursuit of the throne, or dying to protect it. Yet Hakon’s story stuck a chord with me because Hakon was not the typical Viking leader.
One of the most difficult judgment calls in writing historical fiction is the handling of names and place names, especially when dealing with time periods where written resources are scarce. Here’s why…
A number of people have asked me over the years why I chose Hakon Haraldsson (or “Hakon the Good” as the sagas call him) as the protagonist in the GOD’S HAMMER series (yes – it’ll be a series. I promise). While we don’t know all of the facts of Hakon’s life, we do know that even if marginally true, Hakon’s story takes many of the norms of Viking literature and turns them on their head. In many ways, Hakon is the anti-Viking, yet a memorable hero nonetheless. And that’s precisely what drew me to him.